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【青椒学术沙龙】(第130期)预告 ——主题研讨:水变油居然不是惊天骗局








王拓,天津大学化工学院教授,博士生导师,国家优青,天津市杰青。王拓以“薄膜沉积的化工基础及应用”为研究主线,建立了载气流型、前驱体传质等因素与薄膜性质、结构之间的关系,实现了薄膜的可控掺杂和纳米结构精细构筑,形成了一套基于化学气相沉积的薄膜可控制备方法。近年来将薄膜沉积应用于光解水制氢电极的制备,构建了光生电荷的高效传输通道,拓宽了电极的吸光范围,发展了表面反应的调控方法。共发表SCI论文71篇,他引3000余次。以第一/通讯作者在JACSEESAngew Chem Int EdAdv MaterChem SciChem Soc Rev等重要SCI期刊发表论文30篇,平均影响影子10.854篇入选ESI高被引论文。研究成果4次被Materials Views等学术媒体报道。获授权中国专利25项,美国专利1项。

于一夫,天津大学理学院副教授,博士生导师。于一夫以“可控化学转化构筑新型催化材料”为研究主线,发展了离子交换、界面反应、原位自组装等转化手段,实现了催化材料微观结构的精细调控,构筑了一系列具有可控单一变量的模型催化剂,揭示了目标结构参数与催化性能之间构效关系。已在Nature Chem.2篇)、Acc. Chem. Res.J. Am. Chem. Soc.3篇)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.5篇)、Adv. Mater.4篇)、ACS Catal.2篇)等期刊上共发表论文40余篇,他引1700余次,6篇论文入选ESI高被引论文(2ESI热点论文)。研究成果获得ScienceInorg. Chem. Front.等期刊的highlight评述。



【王拓报告:水变油居然不是惊天骗局】“水变油”似乎一直让人想到“骗局”。从美国人Stanley Meyer1996被起诉,1998年离奇死亡),到我国的王洪成(1997年获刑十年),再到1996年基努·里维斯主演的科幻惊悚影片《连锁反应》,“水变油”的话题从来不缺乏争议。然而,基于半导体的光电化学(PEC)水分解制氢技术,却实实在在是获得氢能的理想途径之之一。但是,该过程的效率距离大规模应用仍有较大的差距。导致光解水效率低下的原因,主要是由于光电极材料(如Fe2O3)中的电荷分离效率较低,以及一些高性能光电材料(如SiCIGS)自身固有的易腐蚀特性。本研究以原子层沉积(ALD)为表面调控手段,提升窄禁带Fe2O3基光解水阳极的电荷分离效率,并增CIGSSi等窄禁带阴极半导体材料的耐腐蚀性能。基于ALD在三维纳米棒表面沉积共形包覆薄膜的特点,制备了Fe2O3/ZnFe2O4Fe2O3/Fe2TiO5三维异质结,并形成了高质量的界面,有效增强了Fe2O3中的光生电子-空穴分离效率。另一方面,基于ALD可以沉积高质量无孔洞薄膜的特点,提升CIGSSi电极的抗腐蚀能力,并对其界面缺陷进行有效修复。其中,CIGS电极的光能转化效率可达9.3%。本研究展示了通过半导体电极来高效获得“太阳能燃料”的可能性。








When: 12:30 p.m., Friday, 11/30/2018

Where: A333, 50 Building, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Beiyang campus.


About the Lecture:

A common myth about water fuel is the fraud of Stanley Meyer (sued 1996, died suddenly 1998) and the 1996 sci-fi movie Chain Reaction starring Keanu Reeves. However, solar water splitting based on photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells is indeed one of the ideal routes to obtain sustainable hydrogen as the energy for the future. But the efficiency of this process is far below what is expected for real application. The reason for this includes 1) the carrier transport efficiency is very low for stable narrow bandgap semiconductors, mainly oxides such as Fe2O3, while those with high charge carrier transport efficiency (such as Si, CIGS, etc.) suffer from severe corrosion issues in aqueous electrolytes. In this study, we use atomic layer deposition (ALD) as an enabling tool to improve the charge separation efficiency for narrow bandgap Fe2O3, and improve the anti-corrosion ability of CIGS and Si photoelectrodes. Based on the conformal coating ability of ALD, 3D heterojunction of Fe2O3/ZnFe2O4 and Fe2O3/Fe2TiO5 have been fabricated, forming high quality interfaces for effective separation of electron-hole pairs. On the other hand, enabled by the pin-hole free layer deposited by ALD, protective layers for CIGS and Si photoelectrodes have been fabricated for stable PEC water splitting operations, where the ALD films could also serve as the passivation layer to remove interfacial defects. An applied bias photon-to-current conversion efficiency (ABPE) of 9.3% could be obtained with TiO2 protected CIGS photocathodes. This work demonstrates the great potential of semiconductor photoelectrodes for effective solar-to-fuel energy conversion.

The properties of inorganic catalysts are determined by their multilevel structure, including electronic structure, atomic structure, microstructure and macrostructure. The understanding of function of each structure parameter is fundamental to revealing catalysis mechanism and then developing high efficient catalysts. However, different structural parameters in inorganic catalysts obtained by conventional synthesis methods usually simultaneously alter with the change of preparation conditions, increasing the difficulty to establish the precise relationship between target parameter and catalysis property. Hence, the development of novel synthesis strategy to control single variable in catalysts is of crucial importance. Of note, chemical transformation strategy, which makes use of various chemical processes to transform starting materials into target materials, shows promising potential in producing ideal model catalysts with well-defined single structural variable. Yifu Yu et al. have been focused on chemical transformation synthesis of advanced inorganic catalysts with single structural variable and understanding their structure-property relationships. They have developed several transformation strategies to prepare a series of model catalysts, in which the function of composition, defect, crystal phase, band gap and electronic density is clearly revealed.


Relevant Discipline: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Renewable energy and other related research areas


Organizers: Trade Unions, Library, Office of Science and Technology, Young Teachers Association, Student Association of Innovation and Practicums


All students and staff of Tianjin University are welcome.

