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Lecture: Explore the nature of life

When: 12:30 p.m., Friday, April 13, 2018

Where: Rixin Study, Fourth Floor, Zheng Dong Library, Peiyang Park Campus

Lecturer: Bingzhi LI

About the Lecture:

Life is the most complex existence in the world. The exploration of the nature of life is accompanied by the history of mankind. Modern biologists have systematically studied the nature of life and gradually expanded our understanding of life in depth and breadth. In biological research, the biologists have revealed the central dogma of life from the perspectives of biochemistry and molecular biology, and then established the rules and connections of the various components of the central principle from the perspective of systems biology. On this basis, synthetic biology research further expanded our understanding of the central dogma from the perspective of life construction.


Relevant Discipline: Chemical engineering, Biochemical engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Materials

Organizers: Trade Unions, Library, Office of Science and Technology, Young Teachers Association, Student Association of Innovation and Practicums

All students and staff of Tianjin University are welcome.
